Sunday, January 17, 2010


No one wants to be reminded that they'll die.
I hope this reminds you.
Everything is a reminder really.
I could present you with rhymes of
Puppies, lullabies, popsicles for free
On hot summer days
When all you wear is your swimsuit
Holding the popsicle in your mouth
While your under water
Feeling as if you're defying
Some sort
of scientific rule
Capturing the cold tangy juices
being cast down your throat by your tongue
No, I won't write about that
I want to write about
dark things
things that'll make you regret
Those hours you laid in bed
doing nothing
but refreshing your facebook page
listening to some pop artist on repeat
When you could've been creating something
Saving the world
Or at least cleaning up your damn room
So you'll rot away while you're still living
Worrying about the cliche' things
Sitcoms tell us we should worry about
Laugh about
Cry about
I don't cry about dying
I weep for the chances I missed
The times I thought I was right
But wrong
The fact that death is plastered
All over everything
Yet no one sees it
And they just sit their
expanding their bodies
with the lies
that we're immortal.

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