Friday, December 4, 2009


Waiting in the den
Fire burning within
So hot, so bright
The lamp is of oil
The flames say goodnight
down go the drapes
the chairs
Laughing, how we laugh
Walking through the flames
I want the fire
Hand me a match
Add gasoline
Make it last
Books, my heart, my eyes
You see?
I need to become
A flame
Burning bridges, I want to burn bridges
I want to destroy
My fingers are stretched
my knuckles out of place
Reaching, how we reach
seeking, how we seek
My heat is broke
Chewing on chair legs
Shredding up the plants
Waking up
Waiting, how we wait
I wait.
Alone, is how I wait
I can no longer wait
I must
Closing my eyes again
Letting more flames burn within
Swoosh, out goes the light.
No one will probably get where I'm coming from in that poem... Unless they're experiencing it right along with me. It's a difficult commitment, and it definitely burns me alive, but I sometimes find I live for that flame.

You know what I'm starting to despise? Owl City. HE ISN'T THAT AWESOME PEOPLE! Yeah, his music is cute, and whatever.... but he's nothing more than a fad running through 106.1 kiss fm (And, other popular radio stations round the globe.) Whoopty diddlefreakindo.

Also, Bukowski you're weird. And, I love it.

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