Saturday, October 10, 2009

I've come to the terms that my heart won't beat anymore.

I have never fully realized what type of society we have till now. The majority of people still maintain a puritan background. Meaning, they're super conservative in the eye of the public and if they want to have fun it needs to involve alcohol and a hidden place. Last night this was revealed to me at the forsaken Southlake Town Square. Anyone, literally ANYONE (besides myself) who was having fun... had an alcoholic beverage. Those who didn't have one weren't dancing to the music, joking around, and in general just having a great time. Is this what the general public has turned into? A need for a co-factor to have fun. Alcohol has become the chlorophyll in fun. The American society is too stressed out. Our country works the most hours, has the longest hours in school, and uses the most prescriptive drugs. Where has it gotten us? Well, obviously nowhere. The country is slowly declining. All the greatest technology, food, and wealth is at our fingertips. Yet, we're a boring unhappy branch of people. A lot of people are caught up in having an image. "Oh, this person I don't know and probably won't ever see again might think less of me if I dance" Until a little swig of that Coors beer and suddenly you're the life of the party. You've freed yourself into an alter-state of consciousness. But it isn't 'you' whose having the fun, it's liquored up you. Now, don't take this post as me saying I'm against drinking alcohol, and or having some social hour with some cocktails. Hear me out when I say our country relies on TOO many outside sources to have fun. This canNOT be denied. Some of the people I know that I cannot stand I have to give credit too while it's not my kind of fun I see them having little baking parties, and dance off parties no alcohol included in the mix.

But than it is so hard to find a great balance in people. In my years of existence I've only seen those who are ultra conservative and just don't have fun, unless, it includes an intense Risk game. Or, I've seen those who just get totally smashed and let it all hang out. (So to speak).

I'm quite frankly, sick and tired of our social order. How our culture works. Where is this utopia I seek? Since ancient times human beings have been using substances to alter their state of consciousness. I'm even guilty with it when it comes to caffeine.

These things that seem so forbidden are what people seek. Drug use, and alcoholic beverages are so voodoo in our country that it only ignites the interest in our younger generations. For example, Vietnam, our parents were wrong for this well than they must be wrong about everything else.

Also! Is everyone really that scared of who they are? And, too lazy to try and fix what they deem wrong? No one has a problem going out and buying themselves new body parts, dying their hair, and buying a new outfit. As cliche' as it sounds, what about looking internally as well? Going in a seeing what is wrong with me and trying to fix it.
Progress should be the cry of our nation, we're sitting here in stagnate water and asking our government what is that smell? Going beyond my tangent of how our society relies on their alter state to have fun, what about our longevity? our infant mortality rate? our views on education? and the obesity epidemic?
Whether you agree with Obama or not, as much as he tries to fix our problems he can't.
WE have to fix them, our society must embrace unity and do its best to fix the issues at hand.
Starting with our youth and teaching them the mistakes of their fore fathers.
Knowing and embracing that sometimes we are in it alone and to make it to the top we must fix ourselves.


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