Friday, July 31, 2009

Mountain whispers.

       So, after two days of traveling... I'm finally here in my most favorite place in the world. (So, far. haha) Crested Butte, Colorado. It is unbelievably breathtaking here. The ridges of the mountains, and the lush green grass. I'm not obsessed, I'm infatuated. Someday, I am going to live in Colorado. I'm going to do my best this following year to get as many scholarships as possible and get the best grades so I can potentially go to the University of Colorado in Boulder. I would do anything to come live in this vibrant state. I love the crunchy organic hippiness of it all. The smiling faces and bodies prepped for whatever nature has to offer. I am making it my goal to ride my bike every day, and go on as many walks as possible.

    I have also taken it upon myself to conduct a social experiment using myself as the subject. I am going to meet as many new people as possible. Make new friends. This would seem an easy task. I mean, come on, meeting new people? puhlease! But, being by myself essentially with no friend at hand back up I'm making myself extremely vulnerable. Being vulnerable is obviously a very uncomfortable state. But, in order to stretch myself and perfect my mingling I must take these missions and accomplish them. Time and time again I learn it's not what you know it is who you know. How can I know anyone if I don't put myself out there? Plus, what exactly do I have to lose?  I make people laugh at parties, I'm not a complete social retard, and from what I've been told I have not too bad of taste. Haha. Also, who rejects the compliment of someone wanting to be their friend? I think it's a flattering gesture. Of course without any hidden agendas. I truly love meeting new people, and this environment kinda calls for it. I keep wishing that one of my friends were here, that would make this whole ordeal a bit easier. But I'm not exactly in it for the easiness of it. 

    On a whole other note, I've been thinking about the concept of friendship, what it entails, and what are some of the most important attributes. Having gone through numerous relationships because of many different situations I have started to narrow down what exactly is a great friend. One particular past relationships stand out clear in my mind. This person (Who will remain unnamed) was essentially put on a pedestal in my mind. This being my own fault, one shouldn't do that to anyone or anybody for we're all merely human. But to continue on with my thought process... this person (disregarding putting him/her on a pedestal) portrayed themselves to be someone of kindness, generosity, and sincerity. Push came to shove and this person dropped me like the old saying 'a hot tamale.' Showing his/her true character. They weren't a loyal friend, they were essentially a weak person. I don't say this in a judgmental sense, I say it in a wise sense so to speak. Having had many friendships I have experienced tough times and I knew I needed to pull through, and if the friendship held value and substance I did my best to be that loyal friend. The weak give up when the going gets tough. When it's no longer convenient and leisurely they see no sense of continuing, because, well, that'd just be going out of their way. So, here the friendship is... dead. So I sit and think about all the things this said person has said, and the one of the most I'd say horrific things is to find out that what someone said to you, all the sweet nice things... were lies. I dislike liars and fakes more than death, spiders, rapists, murders, and et cetera. I adore and respect real people. People who don't put on a face. Now, this is evidently repeated rhetoric. You can read the last two sentences on any pre-teens myspace. "OMFG I hate liars! they suckkkkk! >:( >:( >:( Lolz" But, they have it right. I don't care if you're the biggest jerk in the world as long as you don't fake you aren't. I know a few particular people who are particularly rude, and brash.  But I KNOW they are, they don't put on some show for me or anyone. I don't really like their behavior so I don't spend large amounts of time with them but I know how they are. The worst thing is being best friends with someone and when it all comes down to it they are really a huge jerk. It was all fun and games till the going got tough. So, haha, after much ranting the key to a great friendship is not only honesty when it's needed, but in general. You don't want to hang out? Lets not. I'd rather someone say they don't want to then say they do and resent me during the time of hang-age. After the real factor everything falls into place. If they are real to you you'll know if they are great friend material and compatible with you. I wish I could end it with, easy as pie! But finding such people is more difficult than it should be. 

     I also have to say, while I can write out the wazoo I've failed to write any great poetry lately. It always seems cliche' or repetitive. Being in a general happy frame of mind doesn't help either. The emotion of happiness uses the least amount of brain waves. Keeping that in mind my poetry has this aurora of just gray. I'm thinking, well hoping really, being in this different environment will help with my change of pace and things will inspire me again. I must buy a small notebook so I can write down lines that I think of throughout the day. While my cell phone is very handy it's annoying typing in every little line, or thought. 

Well, while it is only 10:47 pm here... I'm stilling running on central time.
So this is the end to my long blog.

Goodnight, sleep well, and dream big ;) 

Sunday, July 26, 2009

"Standing in line 

To see the show tonight 
And there's a light on; 
Heavy glow"
    Oh how easily my emotions change. I go from cursing humanity to laying on a slide at a park with friends letting the raindrops fall where they may. Haha, yes, I allowed them to fall on me. Deal with it. Sounds like a typical day in the life of a hormone raging teenager. 
  I am passionate about the 'randomest' of things. Like fun facts. I adore fun facts. Today at dinner I felt a strong need to inform the guys that whilst in the womb their minds were female minds until testosterone was pumped in it. Needless to say when a guy does something brilliant they're going back to the good old days when their brain was female. Just say'n.  Another odd hobby/passion of mine is solving problems. I love hearing all the details of a situation, analyzing it from an objective perspective, and giving multiple solutions. It's the same with trying to figure out ways to be more efficient and productive. Is it sad that is makes me all excited just thinking about it? 

AHH! Three days till we leave for Coloradoooo!


peace out. 

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hey, you.

Oh, you know the drill. My name (Amanda) which is evident, my age of 18, and my life experience still at the newer stages. I've created this blog for the sole purpose of not having to clutter my facebook with my a) poetry b) long drawn out thoughts c) bitching on current issues. I'm not going to make some outlandish claim on how you won't meet some girl like me, because chances are there (statistically speaking) there is another girl out there whose fed up with society, and writes somewhat quirky poetry. Don't think that I'm pathetic for not thinking I'm some 'special' person who needs to suck everyone dry of their pity for me. I'm realistic if you think that you're this unique, original, intelligent individual you've just omitted all of those by thinking that. The numbers are in favor of the fact that I have or some other goon out there has met someone like you with your artistic ways. The thing that makes me different from practically the majority of people is that I realize this. As I've said many times before the ONLY things that make people different are the sequences and levels of energy of the events that occur during their lifetime. So quit the whole drama act, and face the facts. There are of people out there who write well, brilliantly in fact. What makes this important is if they do something with their abilities. Just like any other talent, it only matters if you do something with it. Singing in your shower won't make you the next Beatle group, so quit flaunting it until you actually do something with it. I don't know why I went off on that, but who gives a flip! It's my damn blog and I'll say what I want.
